The Redemption of Abijah is a heartwarming tale of hope, perseverance, and the power of faith.

In “Kugelach Stones for a Dagger” by Lanton Hamby, readers are transported to the time of Christ, where they are introduced to Abijah, a young Jewish boy growing up in ancient Israel under the rule of the Romans. Abijah is haunted by the most important question in human history: Who is the Jewish Messiah? With a distant father and a loving mother, Abijah’s life is a constant struggle, filled with tragedy and neglect that causes him to make a series of choices that lead him down a dark path.

Despite the challenges he faces, Abijah’s unrelenting faith and determination compel him to seek the answers to his questions. Through his journey of self-discovery and redemption, Abijah faces difficult decisions and ultimate sacrifice as he waits to see if the promise of a Jewish Messiah is true.

Hamby’s vivid imagery and engaging narrative bring the world of ancient Israel to life, inviting readers to experience the struggles, doubts, and unrelenting faith of Abijah as he seeks to find his place in a world filled with uncertainty. This heartwarming and inspiring novel combines history, adventure, and faith resulting in a masterful work. Through Abijah’s story, readers will be transported to a different time and place, inviting them to confront their own questions and seek answers in their own lives.

Lanton Hamby is an accomplished author, educator, and historian from Texas, who has an interest in Jewish history. Hamby’s vast knowledge of Jewish history is evident in his impressive recreation of the historical context, bringing the world of ancient Israel to life with vivid imagery and captivating storytelling.

“Kugelach Stones for a Dagger” by Lanton Hamby is now available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and other digital bookstores around the globe. You may also visit his website at

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