Aren & Élise by Ettenig Sayam

Aren & Élise

by Ettenig Sayam

Is passionate love reserved exclusively for the young? Can a mature woman in the second act of her life not only shed old skins but can she utterly transform like a caterpillar into a butterfly? Is intimacy a spiritual journey? This is a modern retelling of the biblical story of Abraham and Sarah.
Aren Karajian is a widowed sixty-two-year-old solar technology engineer, originally from Armenia. Élise Douchet is a fifty-year-old French teacher at a Boston prep school. She grew up in Montreal, Canada but is originally from French Saint Martin and Haiti. Élise comes to terms with turning 50 by going on a hiking retreat in Vermont. She falls during a morning hike. Aren quickly discovers that the grey-haired woman he rescues is really quite striking and exotic. He is smitten. A dogged pursuit ensues. A sultry romance flourishes. A miracle happens.
Can a miracle upend your life and shatter your relationship? In the Boston Marathon, you must go through Heartbreak Hill to finish the race. So it is for Aren and Élise. Follow Aren and Élise as they embark on their couple’s journey, and make decisions that will alter the course of their relationship, and shed light on the real meaning of life and commitment.


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