A Modern Twist to Past Principles

A Modern Twist to Past Principles

A mind-boggling read that is sure to widen the minds of academics and devouts alike

Research has been the foundation of progress that has set the world anew. It brought with it multitudes of innovations that allowed modern-day discoveries making everyday life easier. In a similar yet different manner, faith and devotion have given hope to millions of people around the world, easing their everyday life. Although they appear to be fundamentally opposed, they are actually two sides of the same coin dedicated to making people’s lives easier.

In a well-researched writing by Tracy Emerick Ph.D the book entitled Extreme Entrepreneurs: Steve Jobs and Jesus Christ, articulates the working principles of Jesus Christ and how he shed light into the hearts of many relieving them of fears and uncertainty, and the works of the visionary Steve Jobs that innovated what handheld technology is and paved a new era for technological innovations.

A marvelous book dedicated to stringing the works of two of the world’s influential people into beautiful and interconnected knots, weaving a tapestry explaining the inner workings and principles of the business world. Discussing at great length the similarity in the evolution of religious principles from the teachings of Jesus Christ and the entrepreneurial models of Steve Job despite their disparity.

Get ready for an intriguing thesis that will undoubtedly open the minds of academics and devotees alike, and explore a wealth of information written by an expert in the field.

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