Baby Boomer Blues by Barbara Linick

Baby Boomer Blues

by Barbara Linick

Zinnia Frisch – born (1947) and bred in Manhattan, the middle daughter of two physicians – is a 22-year-old Music & Art/CCNY honors graduate in French and English Literature. She’s also a free spirit. At a career/identity crossroads, she decides to roam Europe and discovers Ibiza, Spain. There, she rents a native-style farm house or finca, which she shares with about 30 sheep who inhabit the adjoining corral. Like most of the country homes on the island, it is without electricity, plumbing or phone. But to her, it is luxury in a special sense of the word: freedom.

The magnificent, exotic environment and crazy, sexy cast of international, eccentric characters make Zinnia happy. She becomes a French and needlework teacher, and is writing and illustrating a children’s book on astrology. But she is enchanted by a drug-dealing, jet set lot and falls in with them. Part of the initiation involves smuggling hashish across the Moroccan border and she is busted and spends a month in prison. Eventually, Zinnia marries her Prince Charming, a hashish kingpin, the charismatic yet jaded Dutchman Berend van Bos. Together, they travel back and forth between Tangier, Nassau, Amsterdam, Ibiza and New York City, coordinating a several-ton hashish deal.

Baby Boomer Blues opens and closes with that deal and the way it finally goes down. In the end, everyone does what they have to do, including Zinnia Frisch.

A novel based on fact, the names and dates in Baby Boomer Blues have been changed to protect both the innocent and the guilty.


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