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Consummate Coaches: Bill Belichick and Jesus Christ
Tracy Emerick
Reviewed by: Lily Amanda, Pacific Book Review

“Our life needs a coach to set for us a proper direction and guide us through the tough times. Our coach is someone who will help us navigate through the storms of life.”-Tracy Emerick
Consummate Coaches: Bill Belichick and Jesus Christ is a powerful compendium which offers a refreshing adieu from the current wave of rehashed ideas and opinions mainly stated on the qualities of a good coach, and how to identify, or become one. As the title suggests, the author looks at the similarities between Bill Belichick, one of the greatest coaches of all time and one who made a record for having the most Super Bowl wins as a head coach – and Jesus Christ, a shining light of inspiration to many across the globe for spreading love and salvation.
He uses this illustration to bring out the lessons we can learn from the two, Bill Belichick and Jesus Christ, both coaches in their own right and field, and use their teachings, training, and decision-making to live successful lives in our convoluted world. Further, the text introspectively examines the distinct qualities of a consummate coach and evaluates the various types of coaches to furnish us with insight to identify a life coach to look up to for inspiration even as we also prepare to be to become a coach ourselves. This accessible and profound book is divided into eleven chapters, with each chapter building upon the other. Figures and illustrations break down the information across the chapters into sizeable bits which even a layman will find easy to understand.
Tracy’s genre-bending work avoids mentioning cognate and redundant approaches which have been read and reread over the years, and instead offers refreshing advice and sage wisdom to carry readers through. This is inarguably what places Consummate Coaches: Bill Belichick and Jesus Christ squarely among the best leadership and motivation books out there. I learned a lot from Tracy Emerick, and I had to write down several takeaways to refer back to in the future. Indeed, there is something for everyone in this invaluable gem.