Home » During the Pandemic with Edward Jenner by Dr Barbara Ten Brink
During the Pandemic with Edward Jenner is a work of fiction. While we know a lot of history about the life and work of Edward Jenner through his books, notebooks, publications, and letters, we know nothing about the fictional, authentic character, Robert, created by the author. Dr. ten Brink researched many topics to build a realistic setting and plausible events around the time Edward Jenner was working on the solution to the global pandemic of smallpox.
On May 8, 1980, the 33rd World Health Assembly of the World Health Organization declared the world free of the disease of smallpox which may be the biggest achievement in international public health. A goal written about by Dr. Jenner was realized 200 years later.
The reader may fi nd the novel timely as we face a worldwide pandemic of COVID-19 caused by a coronavirus called SARS-CoV-2.