End Times: According to Scripture by Charles Pallaghy

End Times: According to Scripture

by Charles Pallaghy

This book explores how patterns and symbolism in scripture reveal God’s intricate plan for humanity, specifically His preparation of the church as the bride of Christ for the imminent end times. It emphasizes the need for believers to walk in the light of Christ’s teachings and rely on the Holy Spirit to face the rapidly changing global challenges.

Tracing biblical history, the author highlights how God has orchestrated seven-year cycles and prophetic timespans to shape and refine His people. From the Week of Creation to the Week of Redemption, God’s sovereignty and foreknowledge drive the narrative forward. Biblical figures like Adam, Abraham, and Jacob reflect the relationship between Christ and his bride the church. Their lives demonstrate the qualities Christ seeks in all of His people: wholehearted devotion, spiritual unity, and inner beauty.

Further, the book analyses how Old Testament symbols and rituals foreshadow New Testament realities. The blood sacrifices, the Temple, and feasts like Passover and Tabernacles all point to aspects of Christ’s redemptive work. These patterns provide a framework for interpreting the prophecies of

Revelation, in alignment with the sequence of God’s appointed seasons.

There is an urgent need for readiness in light of the end times. In the face of spiritual complacency and false teachers, reliance on Jesus is crucial, embracing the fullness of the Holy Spirit. As the long-awaited consummation of history approaches, believers must commit to walking in God’s will and

truth, allowing His refinement to shape them into worthy brides for the returning King.


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