R. J. Mikelionis, M.D. explores a poignant story of a doctor who traverses through life and love

Author R. J. Mikelionis M.D pens Blue Fire: A Novel, a story of life, love, and everything in between: of loss, a journey towards time, moving across continents, deserts, mountains, and seas. The main character, John Cameron, is a medical student who is curious about a few medical practices he encounters. He fights hard for his patients as an intern. However, several tragedies are faced along the way.

Mikelionis does an excellent telling of a story that lures readers into a thrilling wave of emotions as they browse through page after page of John Cameron’s adventures.

Mikelionis is not just an author but a Family physician and a former U.S. Navy Lieutenant onboard Destroyer Squadron 9. He received his M.D. from the University of Washington School of Medicine. Mikelionis is also a Prize winner for National Writers Club, Firebird Book Award for Romantic Suspense, Bookfest Award for Romance/Medical, and Winner of the Outstanding Creator Awards 2022.

A Clarion Review says that the author “feels the weight of his own work” and that “Blue Fire is a wild, searching historical novel in which a yearning doctor traverses landscapes to find his true self.”

Blue Ink Review also regards the author’s medical knowledge as “the novel’s biggest strength; or those of strong stomach, the hospital scenes are gripping and effective… The prose otherwise has remarkable range, at times playfully descriptive, at times spare and haunting.”

A most favorable review from Reader Views says that “the medical knowledge of the author is beyond perfect and definitely the largest success of the tale… The beginning of the book, set mostly in the ER of a large hospital, is so riveting and so successful at holding the reader’s attention…” and that “It is a very haunting tale that left me thinking about so many things such as finding one’s own strength and self, love and loss, fear and excitement in the unknown…”

An Amazon reader offers five stars and says “Excellent blend of storytelling, imagination, and traveling life’s mazes.”

Truly, readers are in for a treat, as life’s unexpected mazes challenge Dr. John Cameron. Emphasis on “maze” literally, since the writing technique and language used by the author leaves readers with a puzzle to solve, giving that “AHA!” moment once deciphered.

A great read on how a legendary fire keeps the passion burning to the journey’s completion. Blue Fire: A Novel by author R. J. Mikelionis M.D is available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and other leading digital book platforms both in paperback and hardcover.

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