Fish Culture in Yellowstone National Park: The Early Years: 1901-1930 by Frank H Tainter PH D

Fish Culture in Yellowstone National Park: The Early Years: 1901-1930

Frank H Tainter PH D

This tiny record of a historical event in our history is what Fish Culture in Yellowstone National Park is all about. Frank H. Tainter’s father, uncles, and grandfather; all worked on fish culture details for the former U.S. Bureau of Fisheries in the park during the teens and 1920s. Their experiences provided the inspiration for this book. Frank never worked in the park on the fish culture program. He never would have been able to write this history if his father had not taken many photo snapshots of his experiences there. As a retired scientist, Frank tried to include as many references and resources credits as possible so that future readers and users could find more related materials. This book is intended as a sort of “in the trenches” record of a historical event and secondly for its entertainment value.


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