Jesus Christ: Savior, Judge and King of the Worldby Daniel Ukadike Nwaelene Thd

Jesus Christ: Savior, Judge and King of the World

by Daniel Ukadike Nwaelene Thd

Most published books about Jesus detail His roles as a prophet, priest, and king. He fulfilled these roles when He sacrificed Himself and entered the presence of God the Father. The world has been so morally and spiritually bankrupt and dead that the need for a Savior cannot be emphasized enough. Thanks be to God that He gave us Jesus Christ!

As King over all the earth, he will have judicial powers and responsibilities over the subjects in the forthcoming Millennial Kingdom. He will judge all nations of the world for their beliefs and ways of life during the Great Tribulation. He will sentence the condemned to everlasting punishment and welcome his sheep to His kingdom.

Therefore, it becomes pertinent that we make this book prominent. The role of Jesus Christ is not only as savior and king but also as judge.