My Risky Romance in Turkey: Love at the time of danger
A young couple’s journey to escape the real world and its rules
Some things can make or break a relationship during a romantic adventure. One of the strongest bonds in a relationship is trust and integrity. However, this can be broken in the blink of an eye, too. A trip together with a loved one can be a way to test one’s trust and integrity with one another and is an important factor to consider in any relationship as one can learn more about his or her partner while on a trip.
The author, Karen Carlson, has been an adventurer ever since and has traveled all over the world. She has had tough challenges and experiences, and the world has been her teacher. Though it was not all fun and games, Karen has treated these experiences as a lesson and something to share with the world. In her first book, My Risky Romance in Turkey, she shares how she found out the true colors of her then boyfriend and how her travels to Turkey have been an adventure and a risk as well.
A memoir that is totally memorable and can teach a person a great and valuable lesson. Avail a copy of My Risky Romance in Turkey by Karlen Carlson from Amazon and all other online bookstores.
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