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Pen Scratching Poets: A Collection of One Family’s Creative Pursuits
Marilyn B. Wassman
Reviewed by: Nicole Yurcaba, The US Review of Books
“God gave to me the baby
To watch with tender care,
To love, to lead, to cuddle,
To teach an early prayer.”
In this unique poetic compilation, readers encounter verses that span generations. For instance, while the author has contributed poems to the collection, so has the author’s grandmother. This is thanks to the author’s husband’s preservation efforts. This makes the collection a unique means of sharing one’s family legacy. Some poems serve as a testament to one’s lineage, while others offer encouragement to future generations. Motherhood is a common theme, and so is faith. Each poem reads like a personal conversation. Even ailments like gallstones receive special acknowledgment in this book.
Accompanying the poems are intimate, sometimes colorful, sketches. One of the most striking is the enticing artwork accompanying the poem “My Friendly Hills.” The portrait’s vivid colors match the poem’s reverence. The poem comes to life because of descriptions like “blue contours” and place names, which make readers think about the role of place and geography in their own lives. The mountains are not only the location where the speaker lives but a place where they “gather strength each day.” In poems like this, readers encounter a philosophical and spiritual connection with nature.
Other poems, such as “Memories of Paul’s Aunt Katherine,” memorialize loved ones who have impacted one’s life for the better. The speaker describes Aunt Katherine as a “pious Christian” and “friendly aunt.” Katherine is also a woman who “loved to take pictures” and recorded each day in a diary. The poem not only memorializes the aunt, but it records the small, individualistic acts one misses after a loved one dies. “My Father, Our Friend” is similar in its aesthetic. It records the small details of an individual’s life and reminds readers how these characteristics work together to shape not only an entire person but also one’s memories of that person.
Pets receive a special place in this collection as well. “Silver Gray” is one of the standout poems in this regard. It affectionately describes Silver Gray, a cat whose “meowing cries can become quite loud.” However, the affectionate poem reminds readers of the important place pets hold in people’s lives because of the joy they bring every day. Other special animals, like birds, make their appearance, too. “Bird on the Roof” captures the spaces where humanity and nature meet. “Our Problem With a Mouse (Or Mice If There Are Others)” navigates the ethics of sharing an environment with creatures who declare one’s domain their own. With its playful tone, it reminds readers that nature simply always finds a way to survive and exist regardless of what humankind does to tame it.
Rhyming is an inherent technique in the collection. Therefore, for readers who enjoy rhyming poetry, this collection holds the potential to become a favorite read. This collection captures the beauty of everyday moments in easy, accessible language. However, it also reminds readers about the importance of appreciating the small moments and those who make those moments special. This collection is sentimental, and it is a testament to the many ways poetry can change and preserve a person’s life.