The Sail Needs the Wind: Challenges by Michael W Dymond

The Sail Needs the Wind: Challenges

by Michael W Dymond

The Sail Needs the Wind has to do with what has occupied my thoughts for my entire adult life…and that is quite simply, life itself. How we move through its maze; how its essence enters us and how we deal with its moment to moment flood and simply survive…and in no cursory way, thoughts about the Creator. I also have to ask, who are we…why are we, and where exactly are heaven and hell?

Humanity is not easy and it appears we have little faith in ourselves… which I find unbelievably sad. We have been lulled into this state by the patronizing and the greedy and to some degree by those who would readily seek compromise to avoid meaningful collaboration.

We have been in a state of war since our consciousness flowered, nothing has been gained, and we continue to believe, sans proof, that prayer will do more than just comfort the disparately praying soul. My notes are reactions to people and situations, both on the job and in personal relationships. I am not naive enough to believe that living is not complicated…and that everyone lighting just one little candle would create a brighter and more welcoming world. But I am also smart enough to know that retaliation never works; that at some point someone much brighter than anyone who exists today must say “no” no more and that offering the light and warmth of that one little candle may just start a revolution for the one thing that we so disparately want, but for the life of us cannot find…peace.


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