Those Who Made a Difference 4 by Terry Bosgra

Those Who Made a Difference 4

by Terry Bosgra

The 561 people featured in these 4 books are those who went the extra mile and accomplished all or a great deal of their dream.

On these pages Terry tells their story and presents people who reached the pinnacle of their career. You will meet leaders who did what others assumed to be impossible.

The popular song of the 1960 written by Joe Darion and composed by Mitch Leigh has continually inspired me: ” To dream the impossible dream, to fight the unbeatable foe; this is my quest to follow that star no matter how hopeless no matter how far, I’ll always dream the impossible dream and yes I’ll reach the unreachable star.” As a young child, his family was trapped in the clutches of Adolph Hitler and his Gestapo; it was leaders such as Winston Churchill who modeled these words and never let us be discouraged as the troops inch by inch re-captured freedom. Churchill said: “I do not listen to what people say, I watch what they do….Success is not final, failure is not fatal, its courage to continue that counts….A pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity an opportunist sees opportunity in every difficulty. Although I have been a leading fan of Churchill, as I got to know the 561 people in these four books, all of them have inspired me to do better and I hope that will be you as you learn about their lives.


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