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When Hard Lilies Cry
Manal Suleiman Shurafa
Reviewed by: Lily Amanda, Pacific Book Review
The memoir When Hard Lilies Cry by Manal Suleiman Shurafa is an honest, sincere, and poignant story of her traumatic experience and the torturous events that followed her diagnosis of two distinct malignancies.
Shurafa, a Palestinian American born in 1961 in Qatar, always laughed her way through the hardships which life threw at her. That soon changed, though, when she went to see her doctor after finding a little, apricot-sized stone-sized lump in one of her breasts. Despite all signs suggesting a possible cancerous condition, she made a concerted effort to persuade herself that it could not be anything since, at 35, chronic illnesses of that nature do not usually strike people in her age range. Her worst concerns were, unfortunately, validated by the results of a surgical biopsy.
Her quest for medical care severely disrupted her normal undertakings as a wife and mother. She, however, made the decision to hide her pain and make a greater effort to handle and bear it on her own. One day, while doing house cleaning, she felt a sharp pain in her chest. Fearing she had a blood clot, she made an urgent trip to the hospital, where she was quickly assisted. The discovery of a thyroid lump nine months after the first diagnosis further startled her. Following a needle biopsy, which she had insisted upon, the findings suggested that she would have to face the surgeon’s scalpel once again in order to survive.
The narrator emerges as a strong lady who endured emotional, psychological, and mental suffering in addition to overcoming severe physical injuries. Her decision to refrain from sharing her pain with close family members is a clear example of her altruism. Her persistence, bravery, and unwavering commitment are all visible till the very end of the book, and her faith is absolutely amazing – even in the face of her children’s disappointment since they believed God had let them down. Her story, which encompasses years of tears and intense grief, emphasizes the need to often check on sick relatives and friends, regardless of how strong they appear on the outside. It also promotes faith in God, optimism, and a readiness to look at the bright side of every circumstance.
When Hard Lilies Cry is more than just a memoir; it is a tribute to unprecedented sacrifice. It chronicles 27 years of an altered life and is replete with life-changing insights that will encourage readers who have given up hope to dare rediscover meaning and hope for living.
When Hard Lilies Cry is a story of perseverance, self-discovery, enduring strength and having faith in God. Manal Suleiman Shurafa’s writing is one of grace and honesty, making this book a compelling read for anyone who has ever faced their own moments of darkness and found a way to the light.